Anyways, thanks for reading lately; and please pray for my interview tomorrow. This has the potentiality to radically change my life, and I want it so much. Thank you all for your care.
God bless.
I realise I touched on this before, but I feel I need to elaborate. My then partner was my sister in Christ first and foremost. Then she was my friend. Then she was my partner. It's really hard to grow a strong friendship when you didn't take time to really get to know each other first. Not to say that we didn't get to know each other during, but if there is no solid foundation to build on, what do you build on? I am sad when I reflect on how our relationship came to be, because although there was a heap of good there; we got close because of bad reasons. And it was mostly my fault. I intend on working on this in my heart with God, and truly growing to have the respect and love I should have for my sisters as a strong part of my walk with Him.
I have had the most horrible tendency to grow the potentiality for a great friendship with people, then just leave. Abandon them. Being in a relationship with a person that I admired and cared for as much as my former partner did not help that tendency, it reinforced it. I do intend on reaching out to former friends, and just saying hi; see where things lead. But my real goal is to be in an emotional situation wherein I can really be a friend to the people that care about me; and not just a shiftworker waiting for a shift in my life to reach out to people.
Something that I have been very open to is growth within the church, trying to find where it is I sit in there. I've had a few things be revealed to me, one is that I'm suddenly very comfortable speaking my mind about God; and I was very comfortable speaking out the front on the day of my baptism. A couple of people even suggested I become a pastor, which echoes what other people have said during my life in Christ. Another thing that has come to light is that I wouldn't mind being a leader within my peers in young adults. I mean, I'm hardly in a position spiritually or otherwise to be a leader of any sort at the moment. But it's something that I hope to explore more with God.
As much as I was somewhat ignorant of the level of sinfulness that was taking part in the relationship, in hindsight; I realise that for both parties involved, God has intended this break-up as a wake-up call to our shared sinfulness. It's hard to correct a problem in your heart, when you're so comfortable with where you're at. God finally got through to her, and stepped between us to bring us back to Him. It hurt, but what a blessed day that was. It's a strange feeling of being truly loved when you realise what has transpired.
I had told my then partner that I loved her what I am certain would be in the hundreds of times. Yet did I ever truly love her? I don't really think I did. I cared for her an incredible amount, but if I loved her; would I have been the same person? Or would I have done more to make sure that there was a solid foundation; that my heart was in the right place; that my desires were pure? I believe I would have. I doubt there is an absolutely perfect love in which all of those aspects are completely sound (except for God's love) but I do believe I could have done much, much more to make sure those areas were proper in our relationship. Something I intend to work on in my heart with God.
Prayer is the most powerful thing you can do to bring yourself close to God. We, as God's children, have been blessed with the abiltiy to have one-on-one contact with the creator of all things; and the Divine Lover that He is. If you truly pray something from your heart, God will move in your life to answer that prayer. It may not be in ways we expect, or pray to have happen, or adhere to our timeline, but He will always move when He is approached.
If something goes down in your life that is something related to relationships, it's seriously best talking to someone of your own sex. When it comes to crunch time, guys can give better advice about what a guy is feeling than girls; because we feel different things differently. I've had to encourage a friend of mine to seek people of their own sex, because even though I could give them advice; I felt that my perceptions were probably not as great as another of their own sex could have given. Simply because they have more of a perspective as to how their mind works.
Pastors are pastors because God chose them to be pastors. Same as people are not pastors because they aren't called to be pastors. If God chose someone to be a pastor, then God has placed upon them a large portion of the leadership of the church. I've had to learn that authority exists for a reason. Not everything that was said to me as things broke apart was easy to hear, but I had to hear it. God grants authority to those He chooses.
I am incredibly grateful to all the people who have stepped up to give me support and care during this time. The break-up was incredibly difficult to comprehend at first, but there is so much good coming from it that it's hard to believe it didn't happen sooner in some sense.
I value my friendship with my former partner a great deal, and truly pray that it is able to grow much more than it was before without the burden of a relationship restricting it. I respect that she may not be as ready, or as willing as I may be; nor that she has to be, or ever needs to be. Things will take their due course, and things will either grow or fade. And no matter what happens, I will always have God. And His love will always prevail.
Everybody heals in different ways, and although I am not truly healed of everything; I know I am on a good path and am making great progress with God's leading. Only through prayer and submission will I continue to heal. And grow. I deeply desire the growth I have spoken about. God is faithful, and He will provide.
I honestly have no idea who will read this, but I pray that if you do; and God puts something on your heart to comment. Do not fight it, type it. I deeply appreciate and desire any and all comments.Labels: care, faithfulness, friendship, God, home truth, honesty, love, prayer, sin