What will we find in the head of Mish?

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Hello World.

After much, much prodding by my significant other; here lies ye blog of mish. Or whatever.

Much liking the fact i can use Verdana (fav font) and the rest of it is history...

So, today, eh? Today was the day of me downloading the better part of Season 1 of Supernatural. I like Supernatural because its not an overly cheesy TV show, its like a good horror/thriller movie that goes for about 45 minutes and there are 16 of these good horror/thriller movies so far. Which I like.

Oh, and I got a new ep of Scrubs, too! 5 and a half seasons and still kicking ass.

I was going to base my blog around Firefly/Serenity, but then decided that because this is probably going to stick for a bit, I should probably take it a bit more seriously. So, what will we find in the head of Mish?

Probably not alot, but this is a start.

I love you, Sammy


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